Quick as a flash & super adorable!
Harvey is a fluffy Bichon Frise puppy who lives with MouMou and shares a room with Enzo. He is very outgoing, friendly, and sociable. Harvey spends most of his time with MouMou, she rarely leaves the house without him. Unlike Enzo, Harvey is comfortable being both in and out the house and enjoys the company of others.
Harvey’s mummy (MouMou’s mummy actually) loves to dress Harvey in outlandish and bizarre outfits. You will see his many outfits in the stories, and how Enzo and MouMou tease him about them! Harvey often follows the instructions given by Enzo and MouMou, and that’s what mostly gets him into trouble! Like most puppies, Harvey is extremely loyal, affectionate, and enjoys meeting new people and making friends. He is full of energy, anything he does is done quickly and he is always in a hurry, he even speaks quickly and sometimes stutters.
Harvey has these incredible Superpowers:
- He has supersonic speed and can get from one place to another in a flash. His big shiny dark eyes sparkle before and after his supersonic episodes and his tail wages uncontrollably when returning from a mission.
- He can jump high and wide, and able to leap great lengths.
- He can understand humans, and is able to speak to MouMou.