
Who said superheroes can't have disabilitites?
MouMou is an extraordinary girl who just happens to have an extra chromosome. She lives in London and spends a lot of time in Dubai which is where her daddy is from. Just like other kids, she loves excitement, escapades and having fun. She absolutely loves going to school and learning about new things. MouMou is always helpful, kind to everyone and promotes the WAB (We All Belong) culture daily on her clothes and most importantly through her behaviour.
MouMou wears WAB t-shirts, and always wears a blue & yellow Down syndrome logo hair clip, and blue and yellow shoelaces to represent the colours of Down syndrome, and to celebrate who she is. MouMou’s best friends are Enzo and Harvey who live with her, and her mummy and daddy.
MouMou has three incredible Superpowers, which are:
- She can communicate with animals, and always speaks to Enzo and Harvey.
- She is super flexible, bendy, and able to squeeze into small, confined spaces. That’s very useful in most of the situations she finds herself in!
- She is an expert in Martial Arts and can throw objects very quickly far and wide due to super strength and speed. She is nicknamed “JC” for “Jackie Chan” thanks to her remarkable abilities. Who is Jackie Chan, you ask? Well just ask an adult, you will be impressed when you find out!